A Victory for Argentinaí¢â‚¬â„¢s Power Couple

The first-round victory of Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, wife of incumbent President Nestor Kirchner, reinforces the trends to the left in Latin America, but also illustrates its ambiguities; it shows democracy has been stabilized, but remains of poor quality; and it suggests that women can aspire to the highest offices of government, but have […]

Cristina TV

La candidata oficialista cuenta con un sitio web que trasmite las 24 horas del dí­a toda la campaña de la fórmula Kirchner-Cobos, ví­a Internet. La Primera Dama visito Bolí­var el fin de semana, y continuara campaña hoy en Mar del Plata y en Córdoba, el miércoles. Por otro lado, el controvertido í­dolo del fútbol, Diego […]