Informe de la Misión Electoral Internacional

Durante las elecciones legislativas de 2009 se invitaron a varios organismos y organizaciones electorales de todo el mundo para participar en la Misión Electoral Internacional que observó el proceso electoral. Entre los observadores estuvo presente el Consejo de Expertos Electorales de Latinoamérica (CEELA), que emitió sus conclusiones en un informe que compartimos aquí­.

A different view on the electoral reform

The recent electoral reform introduced by the government will bring about important changes in the political universe of political parties. With more than 700 organizations, the new rule makes it harder for parties to register and keep their status as such. Despite the first and evident reactions by many political groups, in particular the relatively small ones, the changes might bring about some positive aspects of the heavily fragmented political scenario. By Hugo Passarello Luna