Elections Canada

La oficina electoral de Canadá (Elections Canada) en vistas de las próximas elecciones emitió esta lista de recomendaciones para los partidos polí­ticos y sus respectivos candidatos. El texto esta en ingles.

Creemos que es una buena muestra de cómo la información fluye directamente hacia todos los candidatos de manera eficiente y clara, no dejando lugar a dudas sobre aquello que esta permitido y aquello que no lo esta. Esta manera, por simple que parezca, contribuye considerablemente al funcionamiento electoral de una democracia.
Important Reminders for Candidates and Their Official Agents
Del sitio Elections Canada
Puede ver tambien la version en PDF.
Do’s and Don’ts
DO appoint an official agent, who must open a separate bank account for the sole purpose of the campaign before any contribution is accepted, or any expense is incurred (contracted for) or paid
DO ensure that the official agent is involved in all budgeting and financial decisions related to the campaign and is consulted before electoral campaign expenses are incurred
DO ensure that only the official agent, the candidate or a person authorized in writing by the official agent incurs campaign expenses
DO ensure that all money received is turned over to the official agent for deposit into the campaign bank account
DO ensure that all expenses (except for those paid out of petty cash by a person authorized by the official agent, or the candidate’s personal expenses paid by the candidate) are paid out of the campaign bank account by the official agent
DO issue receipts for all contributions over $20
DO return all official tax receipts issued by the returning officer within 1 month after election day; this applies to both unused official tax receipts and the returning officer copies of all issued official tax receipts
DO ensure all claims are presented within 3 months and paid within 4 months after election day
DO ensure that all loan, overdraft and line of credit conditions, including repayment schedules, are submitted with the return
DO provide the Candidate’s Statement of Personal Expenses to the official agent no later than 3 months after election day, even if it is a NIL statement
DO allow your auditor sufficient time before the submission deadline to review financial documents and prepare the audit report
DO submit the Candidate’s Electoral Campaign Return and related documents within 4 months after election day, ensuring that the following are included:
Candidate’s return, including the declaration in part 1, signed by the candidate and the official agent
Auditor’s report, checklist and invoice
Candidate’s Statement of Personal Expenses
All supporting bank statements, cancelled cheques, deposit slips, loan agreements and vouchers
Candidate’s Statement of Gifts or Other Advantages Received
DO dispose of any surplus, after the campaign has met all of its financial obligations, in compliance with the Act, and notify the Chief Electoral Officer within 7 days of the disposal